• Welcome to Raw Insights, a boutique commercial strategy and management consulting firm specialising in creating the next horizon of growth for our clients
  • We help our clients to hone their growth strategy, assess and rebuild portfolio, brand and channel strategies, and drive excellence in category execution
  • Creating value for our clients through finding joint venture and partnership opportunities to truly unlock incremental growth
  • Immersing ourselves into our client’s executive teams to create an environment that inspires and enables people to truly step change their performance and deliver fundamental change
  • Our expertise currently focuses on Australia & New Zealand domestic through to the growing demand within South East Asia and China including the Cross-Boarder eCommerce channel
Advisory Services
Growth Strategy
Portfolio & Brand Strategy
Category & Channel Execution


raw | rɔː | adjective: in its natural state; unprocessed; not analysed, evaluated, or processed for use:

insight | ˈɪnsʌɪt | noun: the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something:

About Us

Raw Insights founder Simon Morriss launched the firm after more than 20 years within the FMCG and Healthcare industries.

With more than a decade in Executive Roles, Simon and the team understand the unique pressures and opportunities presented across these industries and the need for leaders to adapt with strategy and executional plan rebuilds.

Driven by the success we see when companies are able to align their strategies and leverage talent cross functionally to create and embed the true purpose of their organisation.

Organisational Review and Design